Tag: market data

How Capitalism and Technology Can Fix the Equity Market

Free-market capitalism will ultimately lead any marketplace to its ideal state. Over the past half-decade this principle has driven my hypothesis that regulators should not try to stymie trading strategy and technology innovation, but should instead follow a principles-based approach (see the CFTC c. 2007) that prevents fraud while still allowing competition to carry on […]

My conversation with Benchmark Solution's CEO Jim Toffey

Jim Toffey, one of the co-founders of Tradeweb and general e-trading pioneer, is heading up a pretty fascinating new venture. Using ultra sophisticated analytics Benchmark has created a market data service that streams corporate bond and single name CDS prices every 10 seconds even when the instruments haven’t traded in hours (or days or weeks). […]

OPRA Projects Slowdown in Options Data Growth (Inside Market Data)

OPRA is projecting that options trading firms will need capacity to handle 5 million messages per second by 2012 – pretty crazy.  This is also the first time OPRA quoted bandwidth requirements in gigabits rather than megabits. Regulatory change – such as a transaction tax or “speed bumps” inserted into the execution process – may […]

Securities Industry News – Dealing With the Data Deluge

The guys from Exegy who run the Market Data Peaks website say market data rates will only continue to increase.  I agree – although I’m not sure doubling in 2010 is necessarily in the cards.  Either way everyone needs to be ready.  An excerpt: Data rates will certainly continue to grow with trading firms keeping […]