Tag: SEF

SEF Order Book Pricing Can Rival RFQ for Interest Rate Swap Trades

New Greenwich Associates Report Urges Institutional Investors To Use Order Books in Tandem with RFQs   Stamford, CT USA —  A new quantitative research report from Greenwich Associates, Quantifying the Benefits of Order Book Trading to the Swaps Market, suggest that while RFQ platforms will remain a top buy side execution source, available order books […]

Trying to divine the evolution of the SEF landscape

I’ve been at Greenwich Associates a little over a year now.  Since I’ve been here I’ve written a few blog posts about SEFs, but have otherwise not written any formal research pieces on the topic.  When I started looking at this back in 2010 via SEF 101, it was a green field.  Today there is […]

The SEF RFQ Minimum is Moving to 3. Does it matter? Nope.

On October 2 market participants requesting price quotes for an order via a SEF will have to ask a minimum of three dealers to respond rather than the current minimum of two. For those of you that followed the SEF rule writing process from the beginning, you’ll remember that the inclusion of RFQ as an acceptable trading […]

Package trade rules – can they do that?

On Thursday May 1 the CFTC released an eagerly awaited clarifying document outlining when and how package trades would be required on SEF.  Packaged transactions will be phased in by type from May 15th through November 15th, and to deal with the pre-trade credit checking issue (checking limits against each leg as opposed to the limit utilization […]

SEF volumes died last week – so when and where will they return?

Turned out the first week of mandatory SEF trading was a Big Bang, just in the wrong direction.  Reported SEF volumes for interest rate swaps fell off a cliff for the week of February 17th, dropping 64% (revised down slightly as new data became available) from the 2014 weekly average SEF traded volume (thanks as […]

SEFs – nothing short of technology marvels

Its true.  If you step back and think about it for a minute, the work carried out over the past four years to create an electronic swaps market almost from scratch is pretty amazing.  PR Metia just released their FinTech Insight 2014 report which includes commentary from industry analysts on all things financial technology – […]

A Path Forward for Prop Traders in the Swaps Market

The CFTC is great at sending emails out at inopportune times.  In this case it was the 13 no-action letters sent between December 20th and December 31th while most of the financial world was trying to take a deep breath and enjoy some time off.  Apparently Wall Street gets more vacation time than the Commission. […]

Greenwich Associate’s Market Structure Trends to Watch in 2014

The year 2013 will likely go down as the year of mandatory clearing. Once ignored by eager financial market professionals as boring back-office stuff, collateral management, credit limits and all other things clearing stood front and center in 2013 as swaps went from a 10-day clearing cycle to a 10-second clearing cycle. Given the progress […]