Tag: webinar

A Conversation With Virtu’s CEO, Doug Cifu

On February 7th I spoke with Virtu Financial’s CEO Doug Cifu.  The conversation touched on Virtu’s history, recent acquisitions, equity and fixed income market structure and the impact of high-speed trading on markets in general and market volatility more specifically.  We recorded the session and loaded it as a podcast on SoundCloud.  Perfect for your […]

North American Fixed Income Update: E-Trading and Too Big To Fail

This week we will begin to release the results of our annually North American Fixed Income study, based on just shy of 1100 investors trading fixed income products, looking across 18 different product types.  I will be presenting an overview of our initial findings on August 7 (Thursday) at 11a ET, and discuss where we will be digging […]

U.S. Equities Market Structure Update

My first nine months at Greenwich have been focused on fixed income and FX markets.  With the release of Greenwich’s annual North American equities study for which we spoke with nearly 550 portfolio managers and traders, the time has come to talk equities.  To that end, on June 4 we’ll be hosting a webinar to discuss […]

The US Invasion of European Fixed Income

Capital is expensive and getting more expensive.  But the problem is proving a much harder one to manage in Europe, with European banks continuing to deleverage and already complying with the principles of Basel III while US banks have their capital houses (relatively) in order.  The impact of this dichotomy is broad, but one impact […]

Greenwich Fixed Income Market Structure Event: Liquidity, SEFs and Technology to Manage the Change

Given all of the research we have going on here at Greenwich and all of the regulatory mess going on in the world, we thought it a good time to set up a webinar to review both.  I’ll go through some of my recent research here at Greenwich – credit liquidity alternatives, trading technology spend, […]